In the event of a conflict between the Handbook of Pre-College Policies and another Brown University policy, the Handbook of Pre-College Policies will apply.
In the event of a conflict between the Handbook of Pre-College Policies and another Brown University policy, the Handbook of Pre-College Policies will apply.
We, as members of the Brown University community – faculty, students and staff – are dedicated to supporting and maintaining a scholarly community in which all share together in the common enterprise of learning. As a central aim, Brown University promotes intellectual inquiry through vigorous discourse, both oral and written. The fundamental principles that must necessarily undergird this aim include:
In becoming a part of Brown University, we accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in the University’s academic and social community and assume the responsibility to uphold the University’s principles.
The rights and responsibilities that accompany academic freedom are at the heart of the intellectual purposes of the University. Our conduct as community members should protect and promote the University’s pursuit of its academic mission. We are all, therefore, expected to conduct ourselves with integrity in our learning, teaching and research and in the ways in which we support those endeavors.
In order to ensure that the University can dedicate itself fully to its academic and educational vision, it is expected that an individual’s personal integrity will be reflected not only in honest and responsible actions, but also in a willingness to offer direction to others whose actions may be harmful to themselves or the community. The University expects that members of the Brown community will be truthful and forthright. The University expects that community members will not engage in behavior that endangers their own sustained effectiveness or that has serious ramifications for their own safety, welfare, academic well-being or professional obligations or for that of others.
We strive for a sense of community in which the individual growth of all members is advanced through the cultivation of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. Brown University values and encourages individuality while also affirming the community dimensions of academic life. A socially responsible community provides a structure within which individual freedoms may flourish without threatening the privileges or freedoms of other individuals or groups.
The University is committed to honest, open and equitable engagement with racial, religious, gender, ethnic, sexual orientation and other differences. The University seeks to promote an environment that in its diversity is integral to the academic, educational and community purposes of the institution.
All community members must respect the general resources and physical property of the University. Such resources are assets in which community members have a vested interest, as these resources specifically support the institutional mission.
To uphold the Principles of the Brown University Community, participants in the Brown University Pre-College Program are required to abide by the Code Of Conduct. The code covers behaviors by all students no matter where the behavior occurs. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviors that occur off campus but cause potential or actual harm to individuals (whether or not those individuals are affiliated with the University), the University community or to institutional reputation or that suggest a student’s presence on campus may pose a safety risk. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests on campus. The determination of whether behavior is subject to this Code will be made by the Dean or their designee. Online behaviors are also subject to the jurisdiction of the Code. The Code applies beginning on the student’s Program start date or their arrival to campus, whatever comes sooner, through to the end of their Program, including between consecutive Programs and when participating in a Brown-sponsored trip or at an affiliate site.
A.1. Act as good citizens by treating all members of the University community, including fellow participants, students, staff, instructors, campus neighbors and affiliates, with respect and dignity. Also inherent with these expectations is that the University will not tolerate any instance of bullying behavior, or retaliation of any kind.
A.2. Contribute to a healthy and safe community environment. Use methods of expression that are appropriate for a healthy living-learning environment. Obscene, derogatory and/or abusive language is prohibited.
A.3. Respect University and other community members’ property, including equipment, furnishings and facilities (including but not limited to residence halls, classrooms, athletic facilities, dining halls, indoor and outdoor common areas), affiliate property and facilities and private property.
A.4. Be truthful in personal engagements and uphold high standards of academic integrity; including producing work that is one’s own creation and meeting intellectual challenges through honest effort and hard work.
A.5. Respect academic freedom and others’ freedom of expression and inquiry.
A.6. Abide by the University's Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy that prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment that is based upon a person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin – including actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics or citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity – disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or any other characteristic protected under applicable law, and caste, which is protected under The Corporation of Brown University’s Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action. The University prohibits Discrimination, Harassment,or Retaliation against individuals who report Discrimination or Harassment.
A.7. Abide by the Title IX Policy which outlines prohibited conduct related to sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.
A.8. Behave in ways that do not expose oneself or others to injury or endangerment, regardless of intent.
A.9. Not commit, or threaten to commit, acts of violence on people or property.
A.10. Abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws.
A.11. Abide by the Code of Conduct and all applicable University policies, procedures and rules, including, without limitation, the policies listed in this Code of Conduct and on the Brown Pre-College website and any rules and guidelines presented by staff and instructors during the Program.
A.12. Not assist or attempt to assist another individual in violating the Code of Conduct or any other University policy, procedure or rule.
A.13. Promptly report any suspected violations of the Code of Conduct or any other University policy, procedure or rule to a Program staff member or University official.
Failure to abide by this Code, and applicable University policies, procedures and rules may result in disciplinary action, which could include but is not limited to: a warning, restitution, consultation with parent/guardian or in cases of serious or repeated incidences, probation or immediate dismissal from the program.
If participants or parents/guardians have questions about the Code of Conduct, they should contact the Brown Pre-College Program Office as soon as possible, at 401-863-7900 or, ideally prior to beginning a program.
These policies apply to on-campus, off-campus and online offerings.
B.1. Students are expected to respect others. Violence, threats of violence, intimidation, bullying, stalking behavior, dangerous conduct, belligerent behavior and menacing behavior are prohibited. Any actual or attempted unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording of any person without prior knowledge or consent is prohibited.
B.2. Students are expected to respect themselves by avoiding conduct that is potentially dangerous and/or detrimental to their physical, psychological or emotional well-being.
If relevant staff determine that a student is unable to function independently and/or is having a significant impact on the community, the participant may be asked to leave the program. Should this situation occur with a residential participant, parents/guardians will be expected to pick-up their participant within 48 hours.
To protect the safety of students and the community as a whole, if relevant staff deem a student’s health situation as potentially dangerous and/or detrimental to a student’s physical, psychological or emotional well-being or the overall well-being of the community, the participant may be asked to isolate or leave the program. Should a residential participant be asked to leave, parents/guardians will be expected to pick-up their participant within 48 hours.
B.3. Students are expected to respect the community, including virtual communities and remote classrooms. Disruption and disorderly conduct are prohibited, as is unauthorized entry into buildings, spaces or rooms, virtual or otherwise.
B.4. Students are expected to respect the property of the University and the property of others. Vandalism, defacement of property, destruction of property and moving or removal of property without permission of the owner or owners are prohibited.
B.4.1 Students must comply with fire safety regulations posted in buildings when on campus. Participants must evacuate buildings immediately when a fire alarm sounds. Tampering with fire equipment, including fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and alarm boxes is strictly prohibited. Participants may not prop open or otherwise tamper with a locked exterior door or fire doors.
B.4.2. Animals are not permitted in any University building, even on a temporary basis, except for pre-approved service animals.
B.5. Students are expected to respect University officials and program administrators. Failure to identify one’s self, evasion of University officials, failure to comply with a reasonable request of a University official, failure to respond to questions from a University official, harassment and/or belittling of staff performing their duties and disrupting program or University operations or authorized non-University activities occurring on campus are prohibited.
B.6. Residential students may not use, possess or distribute the following either on-campus or off-campus for the duration of their program(s) and until they vacate the residence halls:
B.6.1. Students who find themselves in the presence of any prohibited item(s) listed in B.6. must promptly and immediately remove themselves from that situation and report the existence of these items to residential staff.
B.7. Online students may not use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (including marijuana) while participating in any online live remote instruction or program-sponsored online meetings.
B.7.1. Online students may not have alcohol, illegal drugs or related paraphernalia visible while participating in online live remote instruction or program-sponsored online meetings.
B.8. Students may use personal over-the-counter and prescription medication, but may not share with others or use others’ medications.
B.9. The operation of motorized vehicles is only permitted for Commuter students for transportation to and from the Brown campus. Students who must commute to campus by car are required to purchase a parking permit from the Transportation Office or find their own parking off-campus. Students are not permitted to transport other participants in their motor vehicles.
B.10. While on campus, students may visit other participants’ residential spaces. They are required to comply with courtesy hours and quiet hours when in residential spaces. Students may not visit the residence halls or other housing accommodations of undergraduate, graduate or medical school students.
B.11. Residential students living on the Brown campus, except for students participating in the STEM 9/10 program, are permitted to travel voluntarily within the state of Rhode Island without supervision from nor under the auspices of Brown during their program. Students and parents/guardians assume all risk associated with such travel. Travel should not interfere with students' ability to attend all mandatory classes and activities, complete their out of class work, or abide by curfew. If students plan to travel outside of the state of Rhode Island, a parent/ guardian is required to submit the appropriate form at least 24 hours prior to departing campus. While off campus, students are expected to abide by all applicable program policies.
B.12. Residential students living on the Brown campus are permitted to stay overnight away from campus only if their parent/guardian submits the appropriate form at least 24 hours prior to departing campus. Parents/guardians must inform the program if students will not be checking in for curfew, even on the first Sunday night of a check-in day, as not doing so initiates a process to locate the student that involves numerous staff across the institution. Unless for an emergency, this travel should not interfere with a students' ability to attend all mandatory classes and activities or complete their out of class work. While off campus, students are expected to abide by all applicable program policies. Specific programs may have additional requirements around students' ability to leave campus or their program location
Offenses Against the Academic Code may include
Excerpted from Brown University's Academic Code
In preparing assignments, students often need or require outside sources of information or opinion. All such sources should be listed in the bibliography.
Citations and footnote references are required for all specific facts that are not common knowledge and about which there is not general agreement. New discoveries or debatable opinions must be credited to the source, with specific references to edition and page even when students restate the matter in their own words. Word-for-word inclusion of any part of someone else’s written or oral sentence, even if only a phrase or sentence, requires citation in quotation marks and use of the appropriate conventions for attribution. Citations should normally include author, title, edition and page. (Quotations longer than one sentence are generally indented from the text of the essay, without quotation marks and identified by author, title, edition and page.) Paraphrasing or summarizing the contents of another’s work is not dishonest if the source or sources are clearly identified (author, title, edition and page), but such paraphrasing does not constitute independent work and may be rejected by the instructor. Students who have questions about accurate and proper citation methods are expected to consult reference guides and speak with course instructors.
Any use of generative AI tools that is not expressly approved by the instructor and clearly cited in the student’s work may constitute a violation of the academic code.
Improper use of copyrighted materials can also constitute infringement of the Academic Code when it compromises the integrity of the academic process.
A piece of work presented as the individual creation of the student is assumed to involve no assistance other than incidental criticism from any other person. Students may not, with honesty, knowingly employ story material, wording or dialogue taken from published work, including websites; film, video and DVDs; radio and television programs; and lectures or other sources, without full acknowledgment.
In writing examinations and quizzes, students are required to respond entirely on the basis of their own memory and capacity, without any assistance whatsoever except as is specifically authorized by the instructor.
Cheating on examinations and quizzes can take the forms listed below. The list is not exhaustive.
Notebooks, homework, reports of investigations or experiments and computer code projects must meet the same standards as all other written work. If any of the work is done jointly or if any part of the experiment or analysis is made by anyone other than the writer, acknowledgment of this fact must be made in the report submitted. It is dishonest for students to falsify or invent data.
In addition to fraudulent uses of sources, academic dishonesty includes a number of other offenses that circumvent procedures set up to produce fair grades. These actions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Brown has its own standards of behavior for users of its computing facilities and services (see Brown's Acceptable Use Policy for computing). All users of Brown's computing resources are expected to abide by the guidelines outlined in the document "Using Computer Resources at Brown," which is linked in the Student Portal. Brown does not actively monitor Internet activity, and takes no responsibility for the content students find while on the internet. Students will have access to all on-line materials. Printers located in the computing facilities may be used for course assignments only.
Students are required to attend class. Absence or inactivity within your course may result in a negative Course Performance Report, not receiving a Certificate of Completion, and/or dismissal from the program. Students dismissed for reasons of absence or inactivity will not be refunded.
In order to support students in their successful participation in the programs, all residential students must abide by the following guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines and established expectations for social and residential conduct as indicated in the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Students are expected to act responsibly and autonomously at all times, but will be subject to guidance and direction from program staff who are responsible for enforcing program policies and procedures. If inappropriate behavior occurs, program staff will intervene and address such actions. Program staff will forward relevant cases to the Pre-College Student Life office for review and potential conduct proceedings (See E. Disciplinary Procedures).
D.1. Residential students are expected to be in possession of their Brown issued identification card (Brown ID) whenever they leave their assigned room and must immediately report any instance of lost or stolen ID Cards to a program staff member or a member of Brown Card Office.
D. 2. Residential students are expected to be in possession of their room key(s) whenever they leave their assigned room and must immediately report any instance of lost or stolen keys to residential staff. Participants should use only their own key(s), and never lend their key(s) to another student.
D.3. Residential students are required to sleep in their assigned room and must adhere to nightly curfew restrictions (listed below). This includes a face-to-face check-in with a residential staff member every evening by the designated curfew time and remaining on their floor until 6 a.m. the next morning. Students who are delayed in returning to their floor by curfew must contact a residential staff member by phone in advance of the curfew time, and may still be subject to disciplinary consequences for their tardiness.
D.4. Residential students must maintain reasonable courtesy hours within and in the vicinity of the residence halls and sleeping facilities at all times. Students must comply with the requests of others to lessen or eliminate noise.
D.5. Residential students must adhere to quiet hour restrictions (listed below) that are established to create an environment that is conducive to study and sleep. When Quiet Hours are in effect no noise should be heard from another room or area. Students may study in groups or socialize quietly during quiet hours in the lounges.
Program | Day(s) | Quiet Hours | Curfew Hours |
All Programs | Sunday to Thursday | 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. | 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. |
All Pre-College Programs (except STEM) | Friday to Saturday | 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. | 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. |
STEM for Rising 9th & 10th Graders | Friday to Saturday | 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. | 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. |
D.6. Students must respect the rights of roommates, including but not limited to, the right to privacy and free use of the shared room.
Students are expected to abide by all policies and regulations outlined in the Housing Agreement. Grade reports, course performance reports or certificates of completion are withheld until any violations to the agreement are resolved.
E.1. Offenses - In a case where a student, in the judgment of the staff, fails to meet the established expectations for social and/or residential conduct or shows disregard for a member of the residential staff's directives, the case will be forwarded to Pre-College Student Life for review. If an instructor believes that a student in their course has acted questionably with regard to academic honesty, or fails to meet the academic requirements of the course, including attending the class, the case will be forwarded to a Program Director for review.
E.2. Disciplinary Meetings - The disciplinary system is not meant to mirror the legal system. Rather, the principles of the Pre-College Programs and the goals of balancing student education with accountability provide a philosophical foundation distinct from the legal system. Students will receive a charge letter via email describing the alleged violation. Disciplinary meetings are conducted by a program staff member. In determining whether or not the Code of Conduct and/or other University policy has been violated, the staff member will review relevant documents, interview potential witnesses and other parties and will collect evidence as available. The finding of responsibility will be based on the standard of the preponderance of evidence. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, the program staff member will determine the appropriate discipline. Program administration has the authority to take interim action with respect to a participant’s status pending a final disciplinary action.
In an effort to encourage students to take responsibility for their behavior and use the experience to make good decisions, parents/guardians may not be notified of a disciplinary meeting or outcome. Notification to parents/guardians may take place depending on the severity of the incident or discipline.
E.3. Discipline - Discipline is designed to be educational and provide opportunities for students to reflect on the impact of their actions. Discipline includes but is not limited to one or more of the following outcomes:
E.4. Program Dismissal - Should a single serious violation occur or should a student pose a substantial risk of harm to the health and/or safety of one or more members of the Brown community, a decision may be made to dismiss the participant immediately and without prior probation. This circumstance includes serious infractions that occur during the final days of the participant’s program. Such violations will result in withdrawal from the program without grades or record or certificate of program participation issued. In cases of serious violations that lead to dismissal, program administration may request the assistance of Brown University Department of Public Safety.
Students dismissed from the program are notified in writing. A parent/guardian is notified immediately after the decision of dismissal has been made. Parents/guardians of dismissed students are required to make travel arrangements and depart from campus or a location-based program within 48 hours of the dismissal notification. In cases of sexual or gender-based misconduct, the complainant will be notified of the finding, sanction and any accompanying terms that impact them.
Students dismissed from the program are responsible for checking out of their room under the supervision of a residential staff member. Depending on the circumstances, students may be asked to move into temporary housing while they coordinate departure logistics. If a student or parent/guardian is not able to pack their belongings, a moving company will be contracted by the University to inventory, pack and ship the participant’s belongings at the student’s own expense. The University is not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
Students who have been dismissed from the program for academic, social or residential violations will receive no refunds of any deposits or fees. Grades, Course Performance Reports or Certificates of Completion will not be issued to a student who has been dismissed.
E.5. Appeals - Students may appeal a dismissal decision by submitting an appeal letter to the Dean for Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs within 24 hours of being sent the written hearing decision communication. Appeals will only be considered on one or more of the following grounds which must be included in the justification for the appeal:
Students are typically notified of the outcome of the appeal within 24 hours from the time of submission. During the appeal process, the findings are in effect, (i.e. the student will not be allowed to attend class and may be temporarily moved out of their residence hall). The final decision of the Dean may not be appealed.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and the Brown University FERPA Policy provide students certain rights of access, privacy and protection of their education records. The University cannot disclose a pre-college student’s education records, such as the student's final status in their pre-college course(s), specifically whether they successfully completed the course/program, the Course Performance Report written by the course's instructor, or the Certificate of Completion that is mailed to students upon successful completion, without the written authorization of the student, unless otherwise allowed by the FERPA Policy. Parents/guardians who have questions about these aspects of their students' experience in the pre-college programs may either review the content of the student's portal with the student or the student will need to email the pre-college programs granting their parent/guardian to speak with pre-college staff about these matters.
All information collected from our opt-in inquiry form is used solely for the purposes of contacting and providing interested prospects with information on our program offerings. We will never sell or share this information with third-party vendors.
We use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about use of this site. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit, when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. We use the information we get from Google Analytics only to improve this site. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser.
We use tools such as Google Adwords and Google Display to remarket to individuals who visit our program pages. Third-party vendors, such as Google, show our ads on sites across the internet, and in some cases, use cookies to serve ads based on someone's past visits to our website. You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings. You can also opt out of all third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.
Brown University Division of Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs
225 Dyer Street, Fifth Floor, Box 1851
Providence, RI, 02912
Brown University wants all of its students, including those who enroll in online courses, to have productive, challenging and useful learning experiences. Should students learning online need assistance to work through specific kinds of complaints, this page provides information about a process to resolve those matters.
This process covers complaints alleging consumer fraud, state licensing of postsecondary institutions and/or quality of education or accreditation requirements relating to a Brown University online or blended course/program, which fall under Brown’s participation in RI-SARA (see details below).
Concerns regarding student grades, examination results and/or student conduct violations are governed entirely by Brown’s internal policies and therefore are not subject to resolution through the RI-SARA procedures described herein.
Students or other individuals with concerns involving an allegation of criminal activity will be referred to the Brown University Department of Public Safety, the Providence Police Department or the Rhode Island State Police.
Students wishing to resolve a complaint should first attempt to resolve the matter directly with Brown University’s Division of Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs’ process described below:
In the event that the institutional processes do not result in a successful resolution of a RI-SARA complaint, the Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner (OPC) is responsible for final resolution of the complaint. With the exception of reporting fraud, waste or abuse, the OPC does not review anonymous complaints or matters that are or have been in litigation and does not conduct a judicial investigation or evidentiary hearing. The OPC may conduct a paper review, discuss the matter with the parties and take other steps as may be appropriate in an attempt to resolve the complaint.
Submit written complaints and supporting documentation alleging consumer fraud, state licensing of postsecondary institutions and/or quality of education or accreditation requirements relating to a Brown University online or blended course/program to:
Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner
560 Jefferson Boulevard
Warwick, RI 02886-1304
Initial complaints should include the complainant’s full name, address and contact information, including email address and telephone number. Complaints should specify enrollment status, i.e. whether the student is a current, former or prospective student; and they should be specific in describing the nature of the complaint and relevant information: the name of the parties involved, including witnesses, dates, the name of the institution, the policy or procedure violated (if known) and contact information. Any supporting material that substantiates the complaint also should be included.
After receiving a complaint, the OPC will review the submitted materials and contact the submitter for any required additional information or clarifications. The OPC will then send a copy of the complaint to Brown and ask for a response within three weeks.
After receiving Brown’s response, the OPC will determine whether Brown's student complaint process has been followed and exhausted and what additional steps or follow-up may be taken. The OPC will inform both parties involved in the complaint.
If a person bringing a complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the institutional process for handling complaints, the complaint (except for complaints about grades or student conduct violations) may be appealed to the OPC within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made. The resolution of the complaint by the OPC, through its RI-SARA complaint resolution process, will be final.
If you have questions about the complaint process or want to clarify that your individual complaint is reviewable by the OPC, please feel free to contact the OPC office by phone at 401-736-1100 or online at
Complaints involving quality or accreditation requirements may also be filed directly with:
New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)
3 Burlington Woods Drive, Suite 100
Burlington Woods, MA 01803-4514
Information for the Public: Comments and Complaints
Brown University’s accreditation documents may be viewed at:
PLEASE NOTE: Students residing in California who wish to file a complaint and supporting documentation alleging consumer fraud, state licensing of postsecondary institutions and/or quality of education or accreditation requirements regarding a Brown University online or blended course/program should contact the office responsible for resolving complaints from residents of that state:
Brown University is a Rhode Island institutional member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), an agreement among member U.S. states, Washington D.C. and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offerings of postsecondary distance education courses and programs, including those offered online. SARA is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in a state other than their home state. SARA is overseen by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and administered by four regional education compacts; the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) is the regional entity for Rhode Island.
NC-SARA policies and standards, including those for consumer protection and the resolution of complaints, apply to interstate distance education offered by participating NC-SARA institutions to students in other NC-SARA states. Complaints about a RI-SARA institution’s operations are to be resolved under the RI-SARA provisions.
The Rhode Island Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) and the Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner (OPC) administer NC-SARA for Rhode Island and have the authority and responsibility to resolve student and other complaints about Rhode Island’s SARA-approved institutions.