Hometown/Country: Stamford, Connecticut, USA
Program/Year: BELL: Alaska, 2022
Using Jewish ideologies like Tikkun Olam, a mindset that emphasizes the responsibility to repair and protect the Earth, I integrated environmental initiatives with Jewish practices to inspire members of my community to take actions and make sustainable choices.
While Judaism has a rich tradition of social justice and ethical teachings, the specific connection between Jewish values and environmental stewardship is often overlooked or not fully understood. My project seeks to bridge that gap by highlighting the relevance of Jewish ideologies, particularly Tikkun Olam, in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable living.
I conducted research on Jewish environmental ethics… I explored other successful environmental initiatives within other religious communities to pull inspiration off of and started to build partnerships by reaching out to Jewish organizations. I compiled and created educational materials and resources [that] highlighted the connection between Judaism and environmental stewardship.
… taking the initiative to create and implement this project has allowed me to develop and refine my leadership and organizational skills. From planning and coordinating events to mobilizing resources and managing collaborations, I have grown as a leader and become more adept at bringing people together for a common cause.
Engaging in this project has reaffirmed my passion for environmental sustainability and my commitment to making a positive impact. I have discovered a deep reservoir of dedication within myself, driving me to persevere, overcome obstacles, and stay focused on my goals. This project has revealed the strength of my determination and has reinforced my belief in the power of individual actions to effect change!
Choose a topic that aligns with your values, interests, and expertise, since your passion will serve as the driving force behind your project and keep you motivated throughout the journey :) Additionally, set clear goals and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks that can be accomplished step by step.