
Enrolled student information for Brown Pre-Baccalaureate.

Welcome to Brown University's Pre-Baccalaureate Program

We are thrilled you will be attending Brown’s Pre-Baccalaureate program and joining the Brown community! In your online course you will engage in a rigorous academic experience, access a wide range of virtual activities, meet peers and intensely study a specific topic. Please review these pages carefully with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) can speak with a Program Advisor by calling 401-863-7900 during business hours (Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET) or by email at


Important Dates

Be sure all of your forms and payment are completed by their assigned deadlines:

  • May 30: All required forms due for all students
  • June 10: Full payment for Pre-Baccalaureate program courses

Students registered after these deadlines are expected to complete form requirements and make payment in full within 48 hours of registration.


You should log in to your student portal to complete your pre-program requirements. Parents/guardians also receive a checklist of items to complete, sent via email, so please remind them to check their email accounts for this important information that requires action.

The usernames and passwords associated with your Brown email address will be needed prior to and during your course time. Please be sure to document all usernames and passwords.


Forms are available in your student portal and are submitted electronically through DocuSign, an electronic signature provider where you can digitally complete and sign your required forms and waivers. Most forms include sections for both students and their parent(s)/guardian(s)  to complete. Please note that additional requirements may be added throughout the cycle. Check your portal periodically for new requirements.

Accessibility Services

If applicable, you may request accommodations based on a learning, psychological and/or physical disability, including medical conditions, temporary injuries and significant food allergies. Please be aware that all accommodation requests will be considered, however, there may be limits as to what can be provided without sufficient notice. Be sure to submit your requests using the Medical Authorization and Health History Form. We require all documentation to be submitted by May 30. Please email if you have any questions or concerns.

Course Orientation

Plan to log into your course in Canvas during the week of June 9 to become familiar with Canvas (Brown's learning management system), review course syllabi and learn about your instructor(s). We will send you an email with instructions explaining how to access your course. From this point on you should be using your Brown email for course-related activities and information, checking daily for course announcements and information from your instructor/instructional support staff. Throughout the summer please regularly check your Brown email account as well as the email account you used to apply to Brown Pre-College.

You will begin working with your instructor and classmates on the course itself on the course start date listed in the course catalog.

Course Expectations

You should plan to log into your course at least once each day to make sure you are completing assignments and on pace with the assigned work. Plan to reach out to your instructor should you have any questions or concerns. 

Academic Resources

You should consider taking advantage of many of the resources listed below. In college, getting support and learning outside of class is a great benefit and does not necessarily indicate you are having challenges. It’s a good idea to start getting comfortable using these resources now so you are prepared to do so in college. We strongly encourage, for example, to attend your instructor’s office hours to introduce yourself and ask any questions that you might have related to course content.

  • Course Materials: You are notified via your student portal at least two weeks prior to the start of your course regarding books or materials that you need to purchase. Other course specific supplies will be provided, if applicable. You should be prepared with pencils/pens, a notebook and any other essential items that you need for note-taking.
  • Canvas is the Learning Management Tool that Brown University uses for course materials, syllabus, communication with instructors and other resources for each course. Your instructor may use Canvas to provide you virtual access to course-specific resources.
  • Libraries: All active students are able to access University Library resources virtually. To visit the Brown University Library follow the link here.
  • Writing Center: You can make an appointment to request support with writing assignments. Please follow the link here for details and an appointment request form.
  • Language Support: Brown offers support to students whose primary language is not English. To find out more and to make an appointment, please follow the link here.
  • Instructor Office Hours: Office hours are a regular part of learning in universities. They are not the same as needing to meet with a teacher in high school because there is a problem. During office hours you can obtain support regarding key questions that you would like to expand your learning on and have the opportunity to build a relationship with your instructor. Instructors will share their available office hours with you in the syllabus. We strongly recommend you take advantage of these opportunities.

Inactive Online Students

You are expected to remain active throughout your online course, engage with course material and complete all course assignments on time. Inactivity in a course without communication with the instructor will result in being dropped from the course. Students dropped for lack of participation are not eligible for a refund.     


As an online student, you are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. These activities can connect you with students who are taking other online courses, as well as some students attending programs on the Brown campus. These activities also offer valuable preparation as you begin to consider your college options and provide opportunities to build a wider community. Registration for these events will be available in your student portal at the start of your course. 

You are responsible for abiding by all pre-college policies and guidelines while participating in the program. These include policies listed on the policy page as well as any policies shared with you by instructors and Student Life staff. Please also review the financial policies, including payment and refund information.

At the end of your course, you will be asked to complete a course evaluation reflecting on your experience in the course. Student feedback provides valuable insight to the instructor, so please be sure to complete the evaluation form. The grade earned in an individual course will be posted on Banner where you can view it after Summer Session ends.