Temporary Isolation Housing

Important information for students needing isolation housing.

Students needing to isolate or quarantine due to an infectious situation will be directed by Pre-College Student Life Staff to take the necessary steps. Some situations will require isolation in a student's own room or, if temporary housing for clinical reasons is required, this will be arranged for the student.   

If you need to move to a temporary location for clinically determined reasons, you will be placed in a room with these amenities:

  • A bed
  • A bathroom with shower (this may be communal)
  • Bed linens/pillow
  • Towel
  • Toilet paper
  • Hotel-size bar soap
  • Hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes
  • Light snacks/shelf-stable food items
  • A refrigerator and microwave
  • Air conditioning
  • Water
  • Meals will be brought to you by PCSL Staff 

Steps to take in your current location before you move: 

  • If directed to do so, begin immediately wearing a KN95 mask in all shared/public spaces.
  • Bring all personal belongings with you. You will not return to your original housing once you have been moved to temporary housing.
  • You will be able to do laundry in your temporary location. Laundering guidelines are provided in the laundry section below.

Checking into temporary isolation housing:

Once you have been contacted and registered to move into your temporary housing assignment, please do the following:

  • Organize your personal belongings so that you have everything ready to move. 
  • Brown Pre-College Student Life will facilitate your move and provide you with your key and room information.  
  • If you require a ride to temporary housing, let Pre-College Student Life know.  Otherwise, you can choose to walk to the designated location on campus.
  • Your housing assignment will be made according to the availability of rooms.

If you live on campus and have any accessibility needs, please notify Pre-College Student Life before you are moved into your new campus location. Some locations are more suitable than others, so we want to plan accordingly for your safety and comfort. These may include:

  • Mobility considerations
  • Sensory considerations
  • Severe allergies
  • Emotional Support Animals

When you are in isolation or quarantine, your safety still comes first.

Alarms and Emergencies

  • When a fire alarm is activated, evacuate the building immediately through the closest exit.
  • If you detect smoke or flames, and it is safe to do so, it is ok to leave your room to pull the fire alarm.


  • Rooms and buildings on campus have evacuation guidance to help you.
  • In a building emergency requiring evacuation, physical distancing from others is no longer the priority.
  • Establishing physical distance once you are outside is a good idea, but not the priority in an emergency.
  • Hang your mask on your doorknob so that it is easily accessed if you leave suddenly.
  • Elevators do not function when a fire alarm is activated. If you are able to navigate stairs, follow the stairs down to the first available egress to the outdoors and stay in a safe location outside the building.
  • If you are not able to navigate stairs, get to fresh air at the nearest egress if possible, or stay in your location and await help. See the guidelines provided by the Fire Safety Office.
  • Always follow the directives of responding emergency personnel.


Brown Department of Public Safety Emergency Number: 401-863-4111
  • Medical emergencies
  • Fire/building emergencies
  • Police
  • Available 24/7
Facilities Service Response: 401-863-7800
  • For Brown campus building/room emergencies such as a major leak or hazard
  • Available 24/7

Medical Emergencies

Call 401-863-4111 to request EMS

  • Provide your exact location.  
  • If you are off campus, provide your exact address.  
  • Provide a description of your emergency.
  • Share information pertinent to your isolation/quarantine so that EMS knows how to best care for you.
  • If you are well enough to wear a mask, wear one just as you would for an appointment at Health Services.

Brown University Health Services: 401-863-1330 

  • Call 401-863-1330 for 24-hour nursing advice or to schedule provider appointments
  • During regular hours (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), seek advice or book an appointment to see a provider.  
  • Providers are booking telehealth appointments, in person appointments and respiratory clinic appointments.
  • After hours, talk to a nurse to determine the best course of action for your medical needs.
  • Information is available at the Health Services website.

Required Health Practices

  • If you have a respiratory illness, wear your tight fitting KN95 mask any time you answer the door or are outside your room or designated space. Cloth masks are not recommended. If you are infectious for other reasons, a mask (surgical or KN95) is still a good idea.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often, for 20 seconds at least, and use your hand sanitizer when you are outside your room. 
  • Keep your area clean by doing high-touch wipe downs with your cleaning supplies.
  • If you are in temporary campus housing and have a cleaning need that exceeds your capabilities (such as vomit on your carpet), please request assistance by calling the Housing Assistant on call at 401-556-7544
  • All shared surfaces should be wiped down after use by each occupant. 

If you are in temporary housing for an illness, meals will be delivered to your temporary residence each day between 3 and 5 p.m. The bundles include:

  • 2 entrees
  • Salad
  • Breakfast items

Please complete the form below immediately upon entering temporary housing to inform staff of your dietary needs. 

Dietary Request

You will be provided with potable water when you arrive to your room. You are also able to access water in the residence hall if you wear a tight-fitting mask when you leave your room to get water.

If you need to do laundry during your isolation period, follow these guidelines.

  • Always wear a mask when you are outside your designated space.
  • Practice good hand hygiene before leaving your room.
  • Observe physical distancing guidelines and be sure you are not entering the laundry area when it is already occupied.
  • Use the installed wipes to do a high-touch wipe down before and after use of the facilities.
  • It is ok to do laundry regardless of your isolation location.

General Expectations for Isolation In Your Own Room

  • You may leave your room to manage essential needs or get fresh air.
  • Always wear a mask and practice physical distancing when you leave your room, regardless of whether you are indoors or outdoors.
  • Always bring your room key/access card so you are not locked out, when relevant. Carry your ID in the event that you require assistance to get into your room.
  • Leaving your area for a brief period of fresh air is permitted, but do not spend time in any other indoor spaces or plan to meet up with others during this break.
  • Please adhere to public health guidance regarding isolation/quarantine when you are infectious or potentially infectious.

General Expectations for Temporary Housing Locations

  • Temporary Housing addresses special isolation needs; if you have been relocated you will remain in isolation as long as clinically indicated and will be supported during your stay.
  • You are permitted to go outdoors to read, study, take a walk or a run, or get fresh air.
  • Guests are not permitted at any time while you are in your isolation or quarantine.  Please adhere to public health guidance regarding isolation/quarantine when you are infectious or potentially infectious.
  • Vigilant hand hygiene is vital as you are sharing your space with other relocated students as well as the support teams who will be in your building daily to drop off meals, mail, or other supplies. Please use the surface wipes and hand sanitizer that have been provided.

Lock Outs

  • Please call the Housing Assistant On Call to help get you into your room if you lock yourself out.

Cleaning During Your Stay in Temporary Housing or Your Own Room

  • You are responsible for cleaning your own area during your stay.
  • All dorms and temp housing areas have supplies available for cleaning.
  • Regardless of where you are isolating, please take out your trash, wipe surfaces and manage your laundry needs.
  • When you vacate a temporary housing room, kindly pack or remove any remaining food or beverage items and take out your trash. You may keep any unused supplies that have been provided for you in your room, such as toilet paper or cleaning wipes.  

Please note: All temporary housing areas are cleaned thoroughly between occupants.

Managing Your Trash and Recycling

For the health and safety of all temporary housing occupants, please do not leave trash outside your door or piled up in your area. There are no custodians assigned to these spaces except for the specialized staff who manage cleaning between occupants. It is your responsibility to bring trash to the designated area. Food items should be disposed of appropriately so that insects/other critters do not become a problem.

In Building Trash Rooms

  • You are permitted to bring your trash to the appropriate location for your building.
  • Please place trash items in the designated trash disposal bins.
  • Please place recycling in the designated recycle bins (usually blue if provided).
  • For the health and safety of all temporary housing occupants, please do not leave trash outside your door or piled up in your area. There are no custodians assigned to these buildings except for cleaning between occupants.

For problems with WiFi, call the Brown Help Desk.