To contact us in an emergency, parent(s)/guardian(s) may call the BEE: Barcelona On-Site Director. At certain times during the program, students and/or staff may experience lapses in cell phone service. Staff will be checking the program phone often to return missed phone calls or text messages as soon as they are able.
At the beginning of the program, staff will send out an email to confirm that all students have arrived safely in Barcelona.
At the end of the program, after students have passed through the security gates (or have met with their parent(s)/guardian(s)) at the Barcelona airport, the program staff will send out another email to confirm that students have started their journeys home.
Please note: these emails will be sent out to the parent(s)/guardian(s) email address that we have on file.
Safety and Supervision
Staff are available for support and assistance 24 hours a day. Despite many students being experienced and competent travelers, the BEE staff expects all students to stay with the group at all times.
Community Living
You are encouraged to come with an open mind to meeting new people with diverse and varied perspectives. Each student brings with them their own experiences and the cohort comes together to create a cohesive and supportive community. There will be approximately 24 students from all over the United States and the world in the program.
You are encouraged to upload photos to a shared Google folder once the program begins. You will gain access to this folder closer to the program start date.
Personal Health and Medical Emergencies
The program is experiential in nature, so students spend minimal time in a traditional classroom setting. The program can be physically challenging as you will walk several miles each day. You should monitor your water intake to avoid dehydration due to warm and humid temperatures.
For your safety and comfort during the program, we expect participants to fully disclose any and all pre-existing medical conditions on the required medical forms. Program staff maintains a list of local medical facilities and providers. In the event of a medical emergency, students will be transported to a nearby hospital.
Prescription Medications
You are responsible for safely storing and taking your own prescription medication. If you are not accustomed to managing your own medication, you should work with your parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine the best approach to do so during the program. All students who are taking prescription medications should bring their prescribed medication in its original container and a copy of their prescription. Having a copy of the original prescription will enable us to replace medication if needed. Students with life-saving asthma and anaphylaxis medications (e.g., inhalers and epi-pens) must keep them on their person at all times. If your medication requires refrigeration, we will provide access to a refrigerator for the duration of the program.
You should inform program staff as soon as you are not feeling well and may be asked to self-administer tests for specific infectious illnesses and/or take your temperature, among other actions. If you are ill, you will need to be separated from others in the program to lower the possibility of any illness spreading and it is possible you may be asked to make plans to depart the program. Please note that there may be additional or different protocols implemented by a partner lodging site, field trip or local airport and are dependent on public health guidelines at the time of the program.
International SOS Insurance
You will be automatically enrolled in Brown’s International SOS insurance for the duration of the program.
Itineraries are reviewed at the mandatory pre-departure orientation session. You will also receive a detailed itinerary, upon arrival at their program site. Please note; schedules are subject to change.