Brown Experiential Education (BEE): Oxford

Enrolled student information for Brown Experiential Education: Oxford

Welcome to Brown University Pre-College Programs

We are looking forward to your participation in this unique and engaging program. Please review these web pages carefully with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) can speak with a Program Advisor by calling 401-863-7900 during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET) or by email at


Please check your email and your student portal periodically as these are the places where you will be notified when required forms are available for you to complete. Additional requirements may be added throughout the cycle. 

Important Dates

Be sure all of your forms and payment are completed by their assigned deadline:

  • Wednesday, April 2 at 5 p.m. ET: BEE Welcome Meeting (optional) - Register Here
  • Wednesday, April 9: All medical forms and waivers due and payment deadline
  • Sunday, May 4 at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET: Pre-Departure Orientation Session (required) - Register Here

Students registered after these deadlines are expected to complete form requirements and make payment within 48 hours of registration.

Required Pre-Departure Orientation Session

As stated above under Important Dates, there will be a required online program orientation for you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 2 p.m. ET, so please plan accordingly to be able to attend. Register here for this required session. To participate in this orientation, you will need access to a computer or smartphone (no webcam is necessary, but useful if you’d like to use it).


You should log in to your student portal to complete your pre-program requirements. Parent(s)/guardian(s) also receive a checklist of items to complete, sent via email, so please remind them to check their email accounts for this important information that requires action.

The usernames and passwords associated with your Brown email address will be needed prior to and during your program. Please be sure to document all usernames and passwords.


Forms will be made available through your student portal and are submitted electronically through DocuSign, an electronic signature provider where you can digitally complete and sign your required forms and waivers, as well as upload your required physical and immunization records. Most forms include sections for both students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to complete. Please note that additional requirements may be added throughout the cycle. Check your portal periodically for new requirements. 

Accessibility Services

If applicable, you may request accommodations based on a learning, psychological and/or physical disability, including medical conditions, temporary injuries and food allergies. Please be aware that all accommodation requests will be considered, however, there may be limits as to what can be provided without sufficient notice. Be sure to submit your requests using the required Medical Authorization and Health History Form and BEE Dietary Support Form by Wednesday, April 9. Please also indicate dietary preferences, including vegetarians and vegans, to allow us to plan accordingly. We will work with the staff to make accommodations for dietary restrictions and food allergies if we are notified before the April 9 deadline. Please email if you have any questions or concerns.

Course Materials

As part of this program you are enrolled in one course; Designing Policy for the Future. Two weeks prior to your course start date, log onto Canvas to complete your course orientation and pre-work prior to arriving on site. 


  • Go to
  • Login using your Brown username and password
  • Navigate to your BEE: Oxford course page to begin

Important Packing Tips

  • There is limited space in the dorm rooms: bring only what you need. Soft-sided bags are best for fitting in small spaces.
  • Reminder: most airlines charge extra for luggage weighing over 50 lbs.
  • Laundry - Coin-operated washing machines and dryers are available in the residence hall.

What is Provided

You will reside at St. Edmund Hall, a college within Oxford University, in a double room. Bathrooms are shared. The rooms include typical college furniture: a bed, desk and chair, dresser, trash can and access to wireless internet. You are also provided with the following:

  • bed sheets
  • pillow and pillowcase
  • blankets
  • bathroom towels 

What to Bring

  • Passport
  • Round-trip ticket
  • Photocopies of important documents – passport and medical prescriptions
  • Prescription medicine, including inhalers and EpiPens, in their original packaging and copies of prescriptions
  • Cell phone (activated for international use) and phone charger
  • Download WhatsApp to your cell phone as it will be used by staff and students during the program
  • Universal Travel Adapter plug that supports voltage 110V–240V
  • A laptop or tablet and charger to access course materials and assignments
  • Notebook and pens
  • Small backpack for daily outings
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle
  • Comfortable and sturdy walking shoes
  • Rain jacket/poncho or umbrella
  • Flip flops for the shower
  • Day-to-day clothing (pajamas, shorts, sundresses, jeans, t-shirts, light jacket). Oxford can have cooler temperatures, please pack a light jacket, pants and long sleeve shirts.
  • Toiletries/personal items (i.e., shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair dryer, etc.)
  • Mini first aid kit (with Advil/Tylenol, Band-Aids, antibacterial gel, bug bite pen, etc.)
  • Spending money (see below)

What Not to Bring

You may NOT bring pets, alcohol or weapons of any sort, including pocket or Swiss army knives.

Spending Money

All program activities, excursions and meals during the program are free of charge so the need for spending money will be minimal. You will only need money while you are traveling to and from Oxford. You will have one or two occasions to purchase souvenirs if you so choose, and those can be purchased with cash or, in most cases, credit or debit cards.

The most convenient way to access funds is to acquire a prepaid credit card that can be used as a credit or ATM card. Visa or Mastercard are the most widely accepted. Another alternative is to use your bank ATM card; be sure to have your bank activate your card for overseas use before your departure. Cash can also be easily exchanged at the airport or at several locations in the city, but there is usually an additional exchange fee for this service. You will have an opportunity to withdraw cash from your account during the program but having British pound sterling upon arrival is recommended. 

Flight Purchase

Please consider purchasing travel insurance along with your flight. Please check in with your airline well in advance to confirm that you have the proper documentation and identification necessary to travel.


London Heathrow Airport (Airport Code: LHR)

Strict Arrival and Departure Times

As you make travel arrangements please note the following two important requirements;

  1. Program staff are only able to meet students at the airport during the arrival and departure windows noted below. Booking travel during stated windows will ensure that you are able to participate fully in the program, including arrival day orientation activities as well as closing activities.
  2. Program staff cannot serve as the designated adult for unaccompanied minors.

This program has strict arrival and departure windows for airport pick-up and drop-off. Please keep in mind that our staffing model does not accommodate student travel outside of our arrival and departure windows. If you are on a flight outside of the provided time windows, you will need to arrange for your own transportation to meet up with the group upon arrival or to depart for your flight at the conclusion of the program. Students who arrange travel within the provided time windows will be included in all group transportation to and from the program site.

Flight Delays

If you experience a delay while traveling to London Heathrow Airport call or text the BEE: Oxford On-Site Director with your new arrival time. Please note: This number will be shared during the pre-departure orientation session and will be sent to students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) but will not be active until a few days before the program starts. 

You will meet BEE: Oxford staff at the London Heathrow Airport Baggage Claim between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. British Summer Time (BST) on Monday, June 30, 2025. 

BEE staff will only be at the airport to meet you during the scheduled arrival window. Staff will be wearing red “Brown University Pre-College” t-shirts.  The group will depart from the airport shortly after the arrival window of 11 a.m. once students have cleared customs and collected their baggage. 


To contact us in an emergency, parent(s)/guardian(s) may call the BEE: Oxford On-Site Director. At certain times during the program, students and/or staff may experience lapses in cell phone service. Staff will be checking the program phone often to return missed phone calls or text messages as soon as they are able. 

At the beginning of the program, staff will send an email to confirm that all students have arrived safely in Oxford. 

At the end of the program, after students have passed through the security gates (or have met with their parent(s)/guardian(s)) at London’s Heathrow Airport, the program staff will send out another email to confirm that students have started their journeys home.

Please note: these emails will be sent out to the parent(s)/guardian(s) email address that we have on file. 

Safety and Supervision

Staff are available for support and assistance 24 hours a day. Despite many students being experienced and competent travelers, the BEE staff expects all students to stay with the group at all times.

Community Living

You are encouraged to come with an open mind to meeting new people with diverse and varied perspectives. Each student brings with them their own experiences and the cohort comes together to create a cohesive and supportive community. There will be approximately 24 students from all over the United States and the world in the program. 


You are encouraged to upload photos to a shared Google folder once the program begins. You will gain access to this folder closer to the program start date.

Personal Health and Medical Emergencies

The program is experiential in nature, so students spend minimal time in a traditional classroom setting. The program can be physically challenging as you will walk several miles each day. You should monitor your water intake to avoid dehydration due to warm and humid temperatures. 

For your safety and comfort during the program, we expect participants to fully disclose any and all pre-existing medical conditions on the required medical forms. Program staff maintains a list of local medical facilities and providers. In the event of a medical emergency, students will be transported to a nearby hospital.

Prescription Medications

You are responsible for safely storing and taking your own prescription medication. If you are not accustomed to managing your own medication, you should work with your parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine the best approach to do so during the program. All students who are taking prescription medications should bring their prescribed medication in its original container and a copy of their prescription. Having a copy of the original prescription will enable us to replace medication if needed. Students with life-saving asthma and anaphylaxis medications (e.g., inhalers and epi-pens) must keep them on their person at all times. If your medication requires refrigeration, we will provide access to a refrigerator for the duration of the program.


You should inform program staff as soon as you are not feeling well and may be asked to self-administer tests for specific infectious illnesses and/or take your temperature, among other actions. If you are ill, you will need to be separated from others in the program to lower the possibility of any illness spreading and it is possible you may be asked to make plans to depart the program. Please note: there may be additional or different protocols implemented by a partner lodging site, field trip or local airport and are dependent on public health guidelines at the time of the program.

International SOS Insurance

You will be automatically enrolled in Brown’s International SOS insurance - for the duration of the program. 


Itineraries are reviewed at the mandatory pre-departure orientation session. You will also receive a detailed itinerary upon arrival at the program site. Please note: schedules are subject to change.

You are responsible for abiding by all pre-college policies and guidelines while participating in the program. These include policies listed on the policy page as well as any policies shared with you by program staff and instructors. Please review our financial policies, including payment and refund information.

In addition to Brown University’s pre-college policies, you will also be required to follow guidelines and policies of all of the BEE partner sites, including lodging facilities, museums, transportation companies and other venues hosting your BEE cohort.

For departure, staff will accompany and help students check in to their departing flights at the London Heathrow Airport between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. British Summer Time (BST) on Friday, July 11, 2025.

Staff will help you find the security checkpoint. Once you are through security, you are responsible for communicating with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and managing your flight home. 

You will receive a Course Performance Report from your instructor and you in turn will be asked to complete a course evaluation upon completion of the course. If you successfully complete your program you will receive a digital CeCertificate of Completion. All completion materials including the Course Performance Report will be sent out in September. The certificate will be sent via a secure link to the email address you have on file and the Course Performance Report will be made available in your Student Portal.